Constipation Nursing Assessment Defifination Types Causes Signs and Symptoms Diagnosis pharmacological Management and Health Education

Constipation Nursing Assessment Defination Types Causes Signs

Constipation Nursing Assessment Definition Types, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis, Pharmacological  management and Health Education,

Constipation definition:

Constipation is changing in the usual Large Bowel Habit,

Constipation is defined as difficulty and decrease in frequency and liquidity of stool, as compared to normal bowel habits of individuals,

Types of constipation:

 Primary Constipation,

Secondary Constipation,

Etiology and Causes of Constipation

Consuming Low Fiber Diet,

Consuming Low intake of Fluids, Water,

Lack of Mobility and Exercise,


Change in Environment,

Side effects of certain Drugs,

Old age,

Ignoring the urge of passing stool,

Psychogenic Disorder,

Chronic use of Enema and Laxatives,

Cancer of bowel,

Hypokalemia, Hypercalcemia, Uraemia, Porphyria,

Endocrine causes Diabetes mellitus, Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism,

Neurological  causes, Parkinson disease, paraplegia, Autonomic Neuropathy,

Multiple sclerosis, Sacral Nerve damage, due to Tumor or Prior pelvic surgery


Signs and symptoms of Constipation

Abdominal Discomfort,

Straining at defecation time,

Lumpy or hard Stool,

The sensation of Incomplete Evacuation,

Less than three bowel actions per week,

Diagnosis of Constipation:

History collection,

Clinical Examination,

Constipation Nursing assessment

Identify the possible causative factor of Constipation,

Note the Duration and severity of the Problem,

What all interventions have tiered their outcome,


Management of Constipation and Health Education

Advice high fiber diet vegetable salad, fruits, bran,

Increased intake of Liquid diet and Liquids,

Decrease the consumption of Caffeinated drinks,

Avoid suppression urge to defecate,

Make a regular bowel habit,

Bulk-forming agents Isapghula husk, also help to relieve mild constipation,

Advise regular physical exercises such as a walk for 30 min to one hour daily and abdominal exercises,

Discourage continuous use of laxatives,

 If the constipation is resolved ask the patient to continue with measures,

Pharmacological Management,

Lactose 15 -20 ml at Oral at Bedtime,

Magnesium sulfate oral 15-20ml at bedtime,

Tab. Picosulphate 10 mg at bedtime,


Isotonic polyethylene glycol electoral solution,125 -250 ml

Phosphate enemas,

When to refer,

If not passed stool or wind past 24 hours there is abdominal pain Vomiting and Distension,

If continuous to get severe constipation or symptoms get worse,

Any acute constipation  especially vomiting or acute abdominal pain,

Acute chronic constipation was not responding after two weeks of Treatment suspect malignancy.


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