CVA Types Stroke Symptoms Treatment Nursing Management

CVA Types Stroke Symptoms Treatment Nursing Management Cerebrovascular
accident Definition, Causes of Head injury, Complications of Cerebrovascular accident,
Cerebrovascular accident Types, Signs and Symptoms, CVA Diagnosis, Medical Management,

Surgical Management, Nursing Management, all Information about CVA Types Stroke Symptoms Treatment Nursing Management Discussed Below,

CVA Types Stroke Symptoms Treatment Nursing Management

  • Stroke or  cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is an acute focal neurological deficit of vascular etiology,
  •  the cerebrovascular accident occurs when blood circulation to part of the Brain cells is disrupted; it leads brain cells to die, a variety of human body mechanisms can compromise blood flow.

Types of Cerebrovascular Accident,

  1. Ischaemic
  2. Haemorrhagic 

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Causes of CVA  stroke-

  • Cerebral thrombosis,
  • Cerebral embolus,
  • Blockage of an artery,
  • Athero sclerosis,
  • Embolic stroke,
  • Rupture of the artery,
  • Subarachnoid hemorrhage,
  • The transient ischemic attack,

 Risk factors for Cerebrovascular Accidents:-

  • Hypertension,
  • Cardiac diseases,
  • Hyperlipidemia,
  • Diabetes mellitus,
  • Polycythemia,
  • Atherosclerosis,

Stroke Assessment and  Diagnosis:-

  • History collection,
  • Physical examination,
  • CT scan,
  • MRI Scan,
  • CT with Angiography,
  • Conventional Angiogram,
  • Carotid Doppler Ultrasound,
  • Heart tests e.g. ECG.

Blood tests:

  • ESR,
  • CRP,
  • Serum electrolytes
  • RBS
  • CBP
  • Lipid Profile,

Stroke Signs and symptoms:-

  • Weakness or inability to use any part of the body,
  • Inability talk or slurred speech,
  • Dizziness,
  • Blindness,
  • Convulsions,
  • Hemiplegia,
  • Cranial nerve palsies e.g. Bell’s palsy,


 Cerebrovascular accident Medical Management:-
Tissue plasminogen activator:

  • TPA is a Clot Buster drug to dissolve the blood clot that is causing the CVA (stroke),


  • To reduce blood viscosity,
  • Drugs to be thin the Blood,
    e.g: Heparin, Aspirin,

Anti platelets:-

  • The drug that can decrease clotting risk
    e.g: Clopidogrel,



  • Before mannitol to prevent rebound cerebral Oedema,


  • The drug reduces the intracranial pressure


  • To prevent stress Gi bleeding,

CVA Types Stroke Symptoms Treatment Nursing Management

  • Check for airway maintain patency,
  • Use suction at regular intervals to remove oral secretions,
  • Start oxygen administration,

Monitor vitals:-

  • BP, Pulse, Temperature, Respiration,
  • Estimate level of consciousness by using Glasgow coma scale,
  • Draw blood for tests, Glucose, Urea, Creatinine, and Electrolytes,
  • Start IV line maintain with normal saline,
  • Check for signs of raised intracranial pressure like Headache, vomiting, papilloedema,
  • Catheterize the Bladder
  • Maintain the input and output chart,
  • Take a detailed history –including a sequence of events history of TIA, HTN, Diabetes, CAD,


Complications of  CVA stroke

  • Brain edema
  • Limb contractures
  • Aspiration pneumonia
  • Hydrocephalus
  • Shoulder pain

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