Diarrhea Nursing Management 12 Tips to Prevention Diarrhoea

Diarrhea Nursing Management 12 Tips to Prevention Diarrhoea

Diarrhea is passing loose stools three or more liquid stools per day
It is usually a symptom of Gastrointestinal infection, Dairrhoea can be caused by a variety of Bacterial, Parasitic, and viral organisms,

How to Prevent  Diarrhea 


Health education for Diarrhea

1. Hand washing,

2. Food hygiene

3. Exclusive Breastfeeding,

4. Environmental Sanitation,

5. Elimination of reservoirs,

6. If antibiotics using must take Probiotics,

7. Breaking of the channels of Transmissions,

8.  Vitamin A prophylaxis,

9. Zinc Supplements,

10. Improved Nutrition,

11. Immunization Rotavirus, Measles,

Diarrhea is Communicable Disease, How it can Spread Diarrhea.

What causes diarrhoea

It can spread through contaminated drinking water and food, or from person to person as a result of poor hygiene,

1 Bacterial Infection,

2. Protozoal Infections,

3. Viral Infections 

4. Radiation,

5. Some Antibiotics

6.Chemotherapy in cancer Patient,

7.Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders,

8. Laxative Abuse,

9.Irritable Bowel Disorder,

10. Ulcerative Colitis,

11.Tube Feeding,

12.Contaminated Feeding Bottle in Paediatrics,

The Three Types of Diarrhea are :

1. Acute Diarrhoea,

2. Persistent Dairrhoea,

3. Dysentery,

Acute Diarrhoea,

It has episode lasts less than two weeks or 14 days,

Signs and symptoms of Diarrhoea

Loose stools,



Sunken Eyes

Increased Thirst

Abdominal pain,

Bloody stool,

Loss of skin turgor,

Decreased pulse volume,

Decreased urine output,


Abdominal cramps,

Increased Heart rate,

Hyperactivity of Bowel Movements

Diagnosis tests for Diarrhoea

Stool routine examination,

Hanging drop test,

String test,


ORS – Oral rehydration solution,

IV fluids,

Nursing assessment for Diarrhoea,

History collection,

Physical examination,

1.Assess for Dehydration signs and Symptoms,

2. Assess for the degree of Dehydration severity,

3. Assess for Nutritional status – Undernutrition,

4. Diagnosis persistent diarrhea,

5. Any Current Illness,

6. Check for Immunization,

7. Ask frequency of loose stools,

Complications of diarrhoea,

Severe dehydration,

Electrolyte imbalance,

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