HARYANA STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION Panchkula is competent to making Selection of candidates for recruitment and appointments to the posts, HSSC has invited application for Following jobs Staff Nurse,Paramedical posts, Pharmacist, MPHW ,Lab technician, etc..For more Detail about Educational Eligibility Mode of apply last date mentioned below,
Staff Nurse-912
Sister Tutor-4
Ophthalmic assistant-46
Lab Technician-180
Laboratory attendant-39
ECG Technician-
Dental Hygiene-22
Radiographic Technician-122
Operation Theatre Assistant-112
Laboratory Technician (backlog) posts of (Malaria) 26
HSSC Job Vacancy Details,
1.Name of the Post:- Staff Nurse
Number of vacancy:- 912,
Educational Qualifications:- G.N.M,,B.Sc.Nursing,
Salary:- Rs.9300-4200-34800- per month
Age limit:- 17-42 yeas,
2.Name of the Post:- Sister Tutor,
Number of vacancy:- 04,
Educational Qualification:- B.Sc Nursing,
Desirable Qualifications:- 5 years experience as Nursing Sister,or 10 years as Staff Nurse,
Age limit:- 17-42 years,
Salary:- 9300-4800-34800/- per month,
3.Name of the Post;- M.p.h.w,(Male)
Number of Vacancy:- 934
Educational Qualifications:- 10+2, Multi Purpose Health Worker,
Age limit:- 17-42 years,
salary:- 5200-2400-20200/- per Month,
4.Name of the Post;- M.p.h.w,(Female)
Number of Vacancy:- 300,
Educational Qualifications:- 10+2, ANM Multi Purpose Health Worker(Female),
Age limit:- 17-42 years,
salary:- 5200-2400-20200/- per Month,
5.Name of the Post:- Lab technician
Number of Vacancy:- 180
Educational Qualifications:- 10+2 with ,B.Sc Medical Lab Technician, or DMLT
Age Limit:- 17-42 years,
Salary:-Rs.5200-2800-20200- per Month
6.Name of the Post:- Radiographer
Number of the Post:- 112,
Educational Qualifications:- 10+2, Diploma in Radiology Technician
Age limit:- 17-42 years,
Salary:- 9300-3600-34800/- per Month,
Name of the Post:- Pharmacist,
Number of vacancies:– 71,
Educational Qualification:- 10+2,D-Pharmacy,B-Pharmacy,
Age Limit:- 17-42 years,
Salary:- Rs.9300-3600-34800/- Per month,
Mode of selection:- Written Exam,Interview,
For More Information:– Click For other job details
Mode of apply:- Online,
Application Start from:- 10-july-2015,
Last date for Application:- 31-july-2015,5pm,
My education qualification: B.sc (Nsg)
Experience :1year and 8 months
Operation theatre technitn
I am a registered nurse/ midwife.
10+2, Multi Purpose Health Worker
I am gnm (nursing staff)