Staff Nurse Jobs Vacancy in RMRIMS Bihar Patna Recruitment RMRIMS Rajendra Memorial Research Institute of Medical Sciences Bihar Patna Was Established in the Memory of India’s First President RMRIMS Patna is one of the permanent INstitute By Indian council of Medical research New Delhi,Has invited application for Staff Nurse Jobs for more details about Mode of apply Number of vacancies,Eligibility criteria, mentioned Below,
Staff Nurse Jobs Vacancy in RMRIMS Bihar Patna
Name of The Post:- Staff Nurse,
Name of The Institution:- RMRIMS
Number of vacancy:- 15,
Educational Qualifications:- B.Sc Nursing,
Desirable Qualification:- 2 yrs. experience in Govt. Hospital,
Age LImit:- 30 years, Relaxations as per Govt. Rules,
Salary:- Rs.25,000/- Per Month,
Mode of apply:- The interested candidates attend along with the Curriculum vitae and Orginal Certificates
Notification details:- Click Here for More Details,
Mode of selection:- Interview,
Date of Interview:- 21-June-2015 at 10.00 Am
Place of Interview:- SMrat Ashoka Tropical DiseasesResearcch centrer at Patna,Bihar,India